Frank frazetta lied and why you should too?


Frank frazetta lied and why you should too?

The game rules of life.

-from the desk of sleepless Dinlee

-subject: The game rules of life.

I couldn’t sleep last night due to worries that my art isn’t as good as I want. Then I proceed to look for some frazetta work to study on.(Frank frazetta is a art Master.) What caught my attention was those posts talking about the myths that Frank clams that he finishes his oil paintings in one sitting usually overnight. He made it magical like those Santa or elves stories that he will lock himself in his room and next morning he"‘s come out with a finished master piece. that he ‘pulled one off’ again. It makes a great story and people loved it and talks about it. Just like that classmate you and I had in school which has the best grades in class and clams he never studies.

Death dealer by the legendary Frank frazetta.

Death dealer by the legendary Frank frazetta.

I think this is a great way to gain fans and people’s attention out your area of expertise. It’s what Conor mcgregor did for UFC, How many UFC ‘fans’ suddenly appear out of the blue?. I’d like to say both Conor and Frank is a master in their own craft with no doubt. The stories(For Conor’s case his pre-fight talks are really entertaining but I think we can all agree that parts of it are not ‘true’) they clam just leveled them up to a god-like level. That’s how the game is played and words spreed like wild fire. Simply put you have to have a understanding of the craft to respect that person vs people that is dying to listen to legendary stories. People wish to put somebody on pedestals, there’s a huge demand for it. They fulfilled that demand which is very clever.

“But they lied?””Isn’t that a bad thing?” Two points about this:

A) Education has successfully train people to have the’need’ to be ‘right’ that you must correct people if they are ‘wrong’. That would drive you crazy meanwhile you have tons of more important things to invest your time on. also you could put your hard work away while fighting for ‘justice’ right? what a self-less hero. Also people police themselves so well now even cows are harder to control then them.

B) By promoting smartly they got people to argue about them and invested themselves that can’t help but spreed the word, They got more popular while gaining a lot of high value promotion.

So what can we lean from this? That life is a game with a lot of hidden rules and this definitely is one of them. But beware to make this rule work for you, you still have to own the skills to back it up.

when I was younger and more dumb then now I also fell vectom to this game and wasted my attention. Now understanding this I have more to invest in fundamentals to become a better artist.

After all Frank is very gifted, hardworking but still a normal person, just like you and me.

Until Next time,
