Art tips

How to baby step yourself to drawing.

How to baby step yourself to drawing.

-from your buddy Dinlee

-Subject: How to dominate your mind every time.

We are constantly at war with our minds, I love drawing but I also don’t like drawing could be voices in your head the same time. It’s you that needs to outsmart your mind and make it serve you. With this practice I owned the mind every time I applied this trick, every time I forgot to use it I ended up wasting time. Let’s begin.

The fundamentals of Art & Tattooing.

The fundamentals of Art & Tattooing.

from the messy art desk of dinlee.

Subj- The fundamentals of Art & Tattooing.

If you are taking tattooing seriously you have to understand the importance of art fundamentals. Artist are like the graphics are in your PC, training and building up your fundamentals will upgrade you as a graphics card to GTX-ARTMASTER and allow you to ‘render’ higher quality art. The old masters or your favorite did them for years and years, and it also unlocks your path to the next level very fast.