How to baby step yourself to drawing.

How to baby step yourself to drawing.

Dominate your mind every time.

-from your buddy Dinlee

-Subject: How to dominate your mind every time.

We are constantly at war with our minds, I love drawing but I also don’t like drawing could be voices in your head the same time. It’s you that needs to outsmart your mind and make it serve you. With this practice I owned the mind every time I applied this trick, every time I forgot to use it I ended up wasting time. Let’s begin.

1. Choose an easy task that the mind won’t reject. For me today it’s drinking a cup of water this is an easy sell to the brain, while on this task in mind I booted up my working PC(get out your paper if you are drawing on it).The mind won't reject if you do things within a few seconds.

2. After task 1 do another task which is harder, for me today I did cat litter usually I do 10 push ups which works fine while start thinking about your drawing pencil(drawing stylus for me). Tell your mind ‘I’m just going to look at it.’

3. Then you sat down at your working table pick up the pen and start drawing(All the way you feed your mind you are just going to look at the pen). When you started drawing the mind will surrender ‘you started anyway might as well……’. Congratulations you won.

Try it out, happy drawing,
