How clear does your work read?

How clear does your work read?

Recently I’m blessed with a new friend in my life, He works for riot games and does magic cards also he’s so nice he answers my art questions. Which by chance could be your question while creating your painting or tattoo design too. So today I’d share some gold with you guys.

Art mind food.

Art mind food.

Subject: Marcus Aurelius quotes.

Today we look at more art food to feed our art inner game from our boy Marcus Aurelius.

1.”A man, when he has done a good act, does not call out for others to come and see, but he goes on another act, as a vine goes on to again produce the grapes in season.”

it’s sucking how relevant is this in our day and age, Are you spending too much time on instagram and facebook hoping people would like your work? Instead of focusing on other people you’re better off working on your next big project and invest in the quality of the work.



-Subject: Art quotes.

Today we have more Epictetus on the plate for our brain to feast on, let’s get into it.

1.’Seek not the good in external things; seek it in yourselves.” This is a great reminder that it’s not the tools that make an artist it’s the artist within us that counts, It’s not that fancy brush you’re not getting or the cool new 30 inch intuos tablet that makes your art good. I bet Kim jung gi still draws very well with a toothpick and some ink. Also I’d like to extend that it’s not the tutorials that make you good, It’s you ultimately going to make yourself good fighting the art fights within yourself.



-Subject: Art quotes.

The quotes yesterday sure made me enjoy and think more about life and thinking about how life is related to art, today lets’s keep the ball rolling by looking at some great wisdom from Epictetus, And see how are they applied to art, you know it;s good when this guy has Epic in his name!

Quotes for artist explained- Marcus Aurelius

Quotes for artist explained- Marcus Aurelius

-Subject: Art quotes.

Words are powerful tools since our life is made up of thoughts in our heads, Today we’d look at some quotes from Marcus Aurelius and see how could they be applied to art, Every time I read them in my life they mean something different hopefully I can translate them to you or at least offer some other directions of thinking for your enjoyment.

What fake it till you make it really means.

What fake it till you make it really means.

-Subject: Self identity.

We’ve discussed what is a frame before, today we’d talk more on framing and using that on yourself by setting a self identity. A frame like a outer shell for you to grow into, you’d treat the person as if he’s already the famed person, usually if you fore a frame on a person the person with the higher will power will win. For example if your parents want you to become a kid that has good grades at school , they will treat you like you are already are and will act accordingly, they will just expect you to study and there will be no physical forcing since if you took the frame as your identity, A student with good grades naturally studies!

How to take cold showers.

How to take cold showers.

-Subject: Cold showers.

I have to admit it was hard for me to take cold showers constantly. Especially in cold weathers you’d feel like those frozen fish in the freezers. But the reward is huge! You get your blood pumping, You mind becomes clear. It’s like overclocking your brain. Also for the ladies you get better skin. So let’s get into it how to get yourself into it.

How to be happy.

How to be happy.

-Subject: Happiness

Uncle Din has live long enough to learn a thing or two about happiness and hope you can learn to be happy too. According to the happy index web, Hong Kong, the city I live in is ranked 123/140. So according to data I live in one of the most unhappy place in the world. But yet I consider myself a very happy person. But I didn’t start this way, I was depressed and wanted to kill myself at some point of my life, But yet I’m still here writing this with a little grin on my face.

Meditation for artist.

Meditation for artist.

-Subject: Meditation demo.

I watched a proko video about an auto drawing meditation method, Which reminded me I used to do it a alot when I was in high school, When listening to the teacher speaks I always draw automatically on whatever paper was in front of me, I forgot how refreshing it was to draw the shapes out of your system, I do think artist is not doing it enough, so today I'd be doing a demo on that.

Shit test from women, A reminder.

Shit test from women, A reminder.

-Subject: Relationships

I’ve had my share of shit test. But I found myself constantly forgetting it. Which cause unnecessary conflicts in relationships. Recently looking back at arguments between me and my girl friend it was caused by me not spotting out quick enough which grew into a conflict.

But after that time I’ve reminded myself again and being able to take out that little kindle and take it out before it grew into a forest fire, So no matter are you new or experienced with it dealing with shit test should be one of every men’s life learning subjects. I believe all levels could benefit from this.

Who is the master and who is the tool?

Who is the master and who is the tool?

-Subject: Never leave the drivers seat.

On pass entries I’ve discussed you must be the master of your brain, Use your brain to work for you and not the opposite. But not only your brain, you must be the master of your reality or things will start to go wrong. Today we will discuss three more things that could steal your master seat if you are not paying enough attention.

What happens after your leap of faith.

What happens after your leap of faith.

-Subject: Mind sets before you leap.

There’s a lot of people talking about the leap of faith and the results after they got to the bottom(or kept flying in the air?) But not much share what happens in the middle. I’m on my 3rd big leap of my life now. It’s more of a psychological challenge more then a physical challenge since unlikely you will get hurt that way(unless your leap of faith is going to become a UFC champion.) Let’s talk about what emotional attacks your mind will throw at you and what mind-set tools you need to fight till the very end.