-Subject: Art quotes.

Today we have more Epictetus on the plate for our brain to feast on, let’s get into it.

1.’Seek not the good in external things; seek it in yourselves.” This is a great reminder that it’s not the tools that make an artist it’s the artist within us that counts, It’s not that fancy brush you’re not getting or the cool new 30 inch intuos tablet that makes your art good. I bet Kim jung gi still draws very well with a toothpick and some ink. Also I’d like to extend that it’s not the tutorials that make you good, It’s you ultimately going to make yourself good fighting the art fights within yourself.

2.”On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have for turning it to use.” This is about being resourceful and also a bit of framing. Try to turn accidents into your advantage, For example the story of my dying kitten has make my mind much stronger. If a kitten can take so much beating from life how am I a full grown human giving up on opportunities.

3.”It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them.” For this one I’d like to think pleasures as comfort, are you always drawing and painting the things you know? Are you comfortable about people liking you for this style of work yet scared of trying something new and unknown to you which is guaranteed to fail? There is no growth in pleasures, They make you weak, One of my favorite story is about the demon and the knight, The knight was training to kill this demon in hardship, He won in his duel and was going to kill the demon yet the demon offered him a bag of gold everyday if he spares him, And he did, That was pleasure! The knight enjoys his bag of gold everyday and wasn’t living his life training in hardship for a target, He was spoiled! One day after a long time the demon has stopped giving him the bag of gold, The knight went to the demon with anger, they had a duel, This time the demon won quickly and took his life. He was killed by pleasures.

That’s for day’s quotes. Hope you had fun,

Keep growing,


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