Subject: Art quotes.

-Subject: Art quotes.

The quotes yesterday sure made me enjoy and think more about life and thinking about how life is related to art, today lets’s keep the ball rolling by looking at some great wisdom from Epictetus, And see how are they applied to art, you know it;s good when this guy has Epic in his name!

1.”If you want to improve,be content to be thought foolish and stupid.” I’m constantly training my art fundamentals, because I found out that I don’t know as much as I thought I know, Wet in my girl friend’s eyes she can’t believe a guy that has drawn for twenty years train things like these, She calls me stupid to my face(Very Asian thing to do haha.) Yet deep inside I know here is where I find improvement, Yes I am sure I look stupid because I admin I don’t know everything very well, but I know I’m constantly fulling in the holes and getting better everyday.

2.”No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you disire a fig, I will answer that there must be time, Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.” We often wanted over night success, yet growing up I get to learn the hard way that isn’t how things work. Every ‘sudden’ art success is from a person working hard everyday and overtime he grew into a success, It needs time. Also nor I will get very good at art overnight by studying some magical book, things don’t work that way. looking at my old art I can certainly see improvement but yet I always forgot time is needed for a skill to grow as well.

3.”First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” This is exactly what I was talking about when talking about frames. Often times we ask the question what do we need to do to reach our goals? Instead you can figure out the steps if you start the other way by deciding what you want to become, I want to become a great artist for example, what does a great artist do? probably drawing and creating everyday. Tell yourself you are already that person just act accordingly.

There you have it for today, hope you had fun like I did.

Keep growing.


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