art mindset

The Art of being alone.

The Art of being alone.

Subject: Art of being alone.

Making art is a very lonely process, you stay in a room for days, There’s no body there as your company but you yourself. At first when I was in my 20s it was hard being alone, always go out and hang with my friends. But now I just enjoy every minute of being alone. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoy the company of people but as days goes alone time just become more enjoyable.

Art mind food.

Art mind food.

Subject: Marcus Aurelius quotes.

Today we look at more art food to feed our art inner game from our boy Marcus Aurelius.

1.”A man, when he has done a good act, does not call out for others to come and see, but he goes on another act, as a vine goes on to again produce the grapes in season.”

it’s sucking how relevant is this in our day and age, Are you spending too much time on instagram and facebook hoping people would like your work? Instead of focusing on other people you’re better off working on your next big project and invest in the quality of the work.



-Subject: Art quotes.

Today we have more Epictetus on the plate for our brain to feast on, let’s get into it.

1.’Seek not the good in external things; seek it in yourselves.” This is a great reminder that it’s not the tools that make an artist it’s the artist within us that counts, It’s not that fancy brush you’re not getting or the cool new 30 inch intuos tablet that makes your art good. I bet Kim jung gi still draws very well with a toothpick and some ink. Also I’d like to extend that it’s not the tutorials that make you good, It’s you ultimately going to make yourself good fighting the art fights within yourself.



-Subject: Art quotes.

The quotes yesterday sure made me enjoy and think more about life and thinking about how life is related to art, today lets’s keep the ball rolling by looking at some great wisdom from Epictetus, And see how are they applied to art, you know it;s good when this guy has Epic in his name!

Quotes for artist explained- Marcus Aurelius

Quotes for artist explained- Marcus Aurelius

-Subject: Art quotes.

Words are powerful tools since our life is made up of thoughts in our heads, Today we’d look at some quotes from Marcus Aurelius and see how could they be applied to art, Every time I read them in my life they mean something different hopefully I can translate them to you or at least offer some other directions of thinking for your enjoyment.

What fake it till you make it really means.

What fake it till you make it really means.

-Subject: Self identity.

We’ve discussed what is a frame before, today we’d talk more on framing and using that on yourself by setting a self identity. A frame like a outer shell for you to grow into, you’d treat the person as if he’s already the famed person, usually if you fore a frame on a person the person with the higher will power will win. For example if your parents want you to become a kid that has good grades at school , they will treat you like you are already are and will act accordingly, they will just expect you to study and there will be no physical forcing since if you took the frame as your identity, A student with good grades naturally studies!

Stupidity is a choice.

Stupidity is a choice.

-Subject: Choose to be a growing person.

There’s this little girl in my class that would shout out “I Don’t know how to do my homework.” Before she even look at out take out her homework. Then after she has taken them out I’d ask her to read out the question. She”d say hey I actually know this question, Then she went off until she finds another question which she won’t read and “thinks” she doesn’t know which won”t be long . No one seems to teach thinking at school.

My four FUCKS.

My four FUCKS.

Subject: You can”t get what you don”t want.

If you’ve picked art to spend your life on, chances are it gives you joy and satisfaction. By identifying what you really want as an artist can cut off some times wasters which doesn’t lead to your goal. After a lot of thinking I came up with this sentence’ To create and improve in art as long as I could.’



-Subject: Grow into what you want.

I’ve shared my experience of the power of affirmations and words last time, Today I would like to invite you all to my experiment starting this year(2020). But first let’s analyse a bit more on how affirmations work also why people ask you to set higher or even impossible goals. See they both a setting a frame your you to grow into, it’s like building that fence for plants to grow into. The plant can just grow where the fence ends. Same as your goals, human potential is near unlimited. If you set a small goal for yourself you’d stop growing after that goal.

How to cast a spell.

How to cast a spell.

-Subject: The power of words.

In case no one told you, Words are spells. Spells that cast pictures in your mind and create emotions in your brain. Swords to sting peoples feelings. “The words of a good person are like pure silver, but an evil person”s thoughts are worth very little.” -God. Why did people pay for the nike shirt that prints ‘just do it’? Because people want it’s power. By reading it and wearing it you are casting a spell on yourself you make you do the things you want.It”s a spell to direct your will power.

Your brain is not your friend.

Your brain is not your friend.

-Subject: Be the master of your brain.

Your brain is not designed to care for your success in life. In fact the opposite, It’s designed to ho;d you back. The brain’s factory programming is pathetic. It’s goal is to keep you safe. Which means don”t do anything dangerous in the gym, It will get you injured. Don”t talk to the girl you like because some non existent cavemans will bash your head. Don”t go outside, dinosaurs will eat you. You get the idea.

How to deal with horrible art you made.

How to deal with horrible art you made.

-Subject: how to look at your work.

In your art is not you, we’ve talked about your art has nothing to do with your identity, however it does hold a lot of valuable information if you can look at at calmly. I use the analogy of looking at your own poop because it does feel like that to me, but if you can handle the feeling there’s much to learn there.

Your three silver bullets.

Your three silver bullets.

-Subject: Always be ready.

One of the most memorable thing when I was a kid is watching werewolf on TV. It was very intense and really got me freaking out when the hero dropped his only sliver bullet (the only thing that could kill a werewolf.) I didn’t the ending but one thing is for sure, he isn’t a very good monster hunter. You know you’re facing a powerful werewolf and you only got one sliver bullet? How will the movie go if he had three bullets? It’s going to be a short movie.

The Best asset of an artist.

The Best asset of an artist.

-Subject: Learn how to use our asset.

What is the most valuable asset of an artist? Is it the eye or the drawing hand? although both are definitely very important. The best asset is gonna be Time. But there’s a catch, Your brain needs to learn to spend that time on your important task.Because even you think art is very important your brain might have other priorities.

Own the next best thing.

Own the next best thing.

-Subject:When the best option is closed.

There’s this great meat shop here in TaiPo HongKong which sells high quality steak for a great price, I fill up my stock there, but the on thing is they sometimes closes on random dates. I ran out of meat, I went to the store and it’s closed.

Your Art is not you.

Your Art is not you.

-Subject: Attaching you to your art.

I recently commented on art work one of students drew. He got crazy as if I cursed him ‘my teacher at school told me to do this!’ ‘You know nothing about art!’ and the classical ‘This is my style.’ Bad artwork is NOT a style.