How to deal with horrible art you made.

How to deal with horrible art you made.

how to look at your work.

-Subject: how to look at your work.

In your art is not you, we’ve talked about your art has nothing to do with your identity, however it does hold a lot of valuable information if you can look at at calmly. I use the analogy of looking at your own poop because it does feel like that to me, but if you can handle the feeling there’s much to learn there.

Be the detective

Again, look at it at a third person’s perspective, be your own art teacher. Start by going through the DNA of a good drawing the fundamentals. Here"s a list to help you:

-Is the drawing in proportion and correct perspective?

-how is the composition?

- are the values communicating enough?

- why is there a hard edge here?

-where is the focal point?

Write down your comments. For me, looking at my recent efforts I notice two things sticking out, my values are not as controlled as I wanted and I have bad edge work. That’s great I got my clues to advance, then we move onto the next stage.

Found it, Then solve it

Find out how can you fix these? Both values and edge are related to light, from now on I’d set up a light on objects and paint it and make it a priority. But what if I don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix my issues? It’s fine, then your journey would be finding how to find your flaws and learn how to study. It’s an invitation to study other artist.

My study on a Ruan Jia.

My study on a Ruan Jia.

By looking at your art as clues to get better you ignore the emotions and focus on the facts. This will improve your art much faster, It’s like your honest friend, you don’t like what he says but it’s the truth.

Until Next time,


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