The Best food for Artist.

The Best food for Artist.

-Subject: The most art friendly food.

As an artist we are actually more physical and energy draining then most people think. I remember the first time I’ve done a 6 hour tattoo section it felt like a few hours in the gym and my mind went blank. Also my arm got sore, so I’d say it’s not that far off comparing art with sports plus your brain needs a lot of energy to do all that image processing. So what food could fix our muscles(protein) and reload our brain(fats)?

Own the next best thing.

Own the next best thing.

-Subject:When the best option is closed.

There’s this great meat shop here in TaiPo HongKong which sells high quality steak for a great price, I fill up my stock there, but the on thing is they sometimes closes on random dates. I ran out of meat, I went to the store and it’s closed.