art talk

Ikea paper roll artist review.

Ikea paper roll artist review.

Subject: Ikea Drawing paper review.

I’m constantly looking for something good to draw on (and hopefully won’t kill my wallet as well.) So for 54.9HKD(Around 7.6USD) For a roll of 30miters drawing paper. How good is it? Today I’m going to answer this question everyone is asking. I’ve done a quick skull sketch with charcoal pencil and also Ink brush. How good is this roll of paper? Let’s find out.

Ideas on improving shading(drawing and tattoo)

Ideas on improving shading(drawing and tattoo)

-Subject:Shading tips.

Finishing up a tattoo design today. It’s a big shading piece. found some useful ideas on the way doing it, hopefully will be helpful for you as well, Let’s go over the step by step quickly.

1.Basic underline. The ideas of the monsters are given by the client, The fun part is to compose the four armed monster at the right, The action pose is exactly what the client requested, Since the two arms on the right is free, I’ve decided to make them expressive, Giving ideas what nasty things it will do to the smaller monster when he gets him. Stronger line weight on parts I want you to see.

How to work on art projects with clients.

How to work on art projects with clients.

-Subject: How to handle Art clients.

It will be the best thing in the world if you can get paid drawing the things you like right? I believe that’s every artist’s ultimate goal, but yet before you go there you will encounter clients paying you money which you need to survive and of cause in return they will be expecting you deliver the things they want, Yet how to you achieve this is an art of it’s own. Let’s see what we can do to secretly take control of the situation heehee.

Your three silver bullets.

Your three silver bullets.

-Subject: Always be ready.

One of the most memorable thing when I was a kid is watching werewolf on TV. It was very intense and really got me freaking out when the hero dropped his only sliver bullet (the only thing that could kill a werewolf.) I didn’t the ending but one thing is for sure, he isn’t a very good monster hunter. You know you’re facing a powerful werewolf and you only got one sliver bullet? How will the movie go if he had three bullets? It’s going to be a short movie.

The Best food for Artist.

The Best food for Artist.

-Subject: The most art friendly food.

As an artist we are actually more physical and energy draining then most people think. I remember the first time I’ve done a 6 hour tattoo section it felt like a few hours in the gym and my mind went blank. Also my arm got sore, so I’d say it’s not that far off comparing art with sports plus your brain needs a lot of energy to do all that image processing. So what food could fix our muscles(protein) and reload our brain(fats)?

The Best asset of an artist.

The Best asset of an artist.

-Subject: Learn how to use our asset.

What is the most valuable asset of an artist? Is it the eye or the drawing hand? although both are definitely very important. The best asset is gonna be Time. But there’s a catch, Your brain needs to learn to spend that time on your important task.Because even you think art is very important your brain might have other priorities.

Own the next best thing.

Own the next best thing.

-Subject:When the best option is closed.

There’s this great meat shop here in TaiPo HongKong which sells high quality steak for a great price, I fill up my stock there, but the on thing is they sometimes closes on random dates. I ran out of meat, I went to the store and it’s closed.

Your Art is not you.

Your Art is not you.

-Subject: Attaching you to your art.

I recently commented on art work one of students drew. He got crazy as if I cursed him ‘my teacher at school told me to do this!’ ‘You know nothing about art!’ and the classical ‘This is my style.’ Bad artwork is NOT a style.

How I wasted 14,600 hours on drawing.

How I wasted 14,600 hours on drawing.

Subject: The 10,000 hour rule.

I started drawing from a young age around 5, And I’ve spent most of my time in school drawing, All my workbook and worksheets from school are full of drawings, My teacher will take my drawings and throw them away which is fine since I am the ‘I hate my work’ type. I notice training what I want is way more important then anything school is teaching. Luckily I got into an art focused college but even you are art focused in Hong Kong it only means four extra art class per week not like Math you have lessons everyday. If I take the lunch hour away and say 4 hours of drawing at school everyday plus weekends 10 years of primary plus college gives me around 14,600 hours on drawing.

What makes a good tattoo: The 3 levels of viewing distance.

What makes a good tattoo: The 3 levels of viewing distance.

-from the recently arranged desk of Dinlee

-Subject: 3 viewing distance of a tattoo piece.

If you break it down a ‘good’ tattoo is a collection of marks made on the skin which reads as a picture which could be experienced by the viewer’s eyes and process with the brain, A good tattoo traps the eye in it’s narrative and rewards the viewer with more information if you look closer