
Your Art is not you.

Your Art is not you.

-Subject: Attaching you to your art.

I recently commented on art work one of students drew. He got crazy as if I cursed him ‘my teacher at school told me to do this!’ ‘You know nothing about art!’ and the classical ‘This is my style.’ Bad artwork is NOT a style.

How I wasted 14,600 hours on drawing.

How I wasted 14,600 hours on drawing.

Subject: The 10,000 hour rule.

I started drawing from a young age around 5, And I’ve spent most of my time in school drawing, All my workbook and worksheets from school are full of drawings, My teacher will take my drawings and throw them away which is fine since I am the ‘I hate my work’ type. I notice training what I want is way more important then anything school is teaching. Luckily I got into an art focused college but even you are art focused in Hong Kong it only means four extra art class per week not like Math you have lessons everyday. If I take the lunch hour away and say 4 hours of drawing at school everyday plus weekends 10 years of primary plus college gives me around 14,600 hours on drawing.

Three Art tips from Frank frazetta.

Three Art tips from Frank frazetta.

-Subject: Learning from the masters.

Frank frazetta is the best master level artist close to our times. In fact he just left us at 2010. Ten years has passed but his art is looking better then ever, His art style is masculine and aggressive, the beauty of violence and sex can been seen in many of his work. Today I’d dissect his art and analyse how he gives that aggressive taste to his works.

What makes a good tattoo: The 3 levels of viewing distance.

What makes a good tattoo: The 3 levels of viewing distance.

-from the recently arranged desk of Dinlee

-Subject: 3 viewing distance of a tattoo piece.

If you break it down a ‘good’ tattoo is a collection of marks made on the skin which reads as a picture which could be experienced by the viewer’s eyes and process with the brain, A good tattoo traps the eye in it’s narrative and rewards the viewer with more information if you look closer