Your Art is not you.

Your Art is not you.

Attaching you to your art.

-Subject: Attaching you to your art.

I recently commented on art work one of students drew. He got crazy as if I cursed him ‘my teacher at school told me to do this!’ ‘You know nothing about art!’ and the classical ‘This is my style.’ Bad artwork is NOT a style. Where it’s an anatomy mistake that could be easily fixed. But why people act this way? Because they can’t tell the difference between a personal attack and constructed criticism, the word criticism is a bit too strong, I’d call it constructed advice, Because really at the core it’s just advice, Only the creator of that work could decide to change it. Which brings us to…..

You the creator.

Artist are like GPUs(Graphic card in computers to help you play nice looking games.). What is cool about us humans is that by training and studying we can upgrade ourselves. And the art is just a side-product you generate by your abilities and emotions at that point of time. Attaching your identity to your work could be dangerous. As human beings we need respect from others. When they don’t like your work it doesn’t mean they don’t like you. Maybe it’s your style it could be anything. But what’s really important is how you look at your work. By looking at my own horrible work I see clues to growth and be better. So the next time people commenting your work it could contain priceless gold to advance your level. If I can sell a pill that makes people better at art instantly I’d be out of stock in seconds!

But sometimes it’s nonsense.

Nowadays everyone does reviews and comments, Also know where the comment is from. If you don’t agree just know that it has nothing to do about you and reply with a smile. Notice that powerful people don’t give big reactions. By over reacting you are giving out too much information and look weak.

So the next time step back be the viewer after you’ve detached yourself. Listen to the comments or ignore them, but beware sometimes there will be gold in them if you know where to look.

Your work is not the art, You yourself, life is a growing piece of art.

Until Next time,
