How clear does your work read?

Recently I’m blessed with a new friend in my life, He works for riot games and does magic cards also he’s so nice he answers my art questions. Which by chance could be your question while creating your painting or tattoo design too. So today I’d share some gold with you guys.

So I’m working for this piece for my magic the gathering(A card game) portfolio, I did everything I could but I can’t seem to finish the piece to a level that I’d be happy with. It’s a white card that I made up that features a leonin(magic lion people) riding his dinosaur and attacking from the sky. Here’s what it looked like when I sent my friend to have a look:

dino_leonin_flyer wip

One of the feedback I got is I’m jumping into rendering too fast. The problem that I can’t finish this piece is I haven’t sorted out the element that should be clear before rendering. Which is:

1.Clear light source.

2.Clear staging.

3.Shape readability.

4. A clear foreground, midground and back ground.

So I went back and make decisions on my fore ,mid and back ground. I’ve decided the dino head would be the first read so I used darker values and bigger value range on it, while the mid being the second read lead by the re-designed shape of the helm which is just bad and unclear design before. Now it’s working a a tool to point you to the second read and third read which is the background and the shape and flow of the two dinos from the background will guide your eye back to the first read.

Also I’ve worked up the contrast with the back and fore ground by putting more blue in the foreground. Here’s what it looks like now. Next in line I’d make a more clear light source since it’s very unclear and boring now.


That’s it for today hope you’ve also learnt something on the way :)

Please also check out the video version since I’m testing out the jokes I wrote!



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