
How clear does your work read?

How clear does your work read?

Recently I’m blessed with a new friend in my life, He works for riot games and does magic cards also he’s so nice he answers my art questions. Which by chance could be your question while creating your painting or tattoo design too. So today I’d share some gold with you guys.

How far could art advice go.

How far could art advice go.

-Subject: Art advice.

The fact is that we are all different and the path we that worked for each of us would be different. The time required for each person to understand a concept is different. Like we discussed before memory can’t get you too far. Yet you don’t know how many practice or advice you need for you to ‘understand’ the next concept. So what could a piece of advice do for you best? Let’s look into it.

Memorizing vs Understanding.

Memorizing vs Understanding.

-Subject: Memory in drawing.

School in Asia is well known for stuffing information down your stomach like a thanks giving turkey. Yet the time period given for you to convert that to long term memory is extremely short. Let alone memory can just get you that far. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to memorize the human form, what shapes are the muscles, Yet when I try to spin the form my memory can’t generate what will it look like visually. I found it much better when I have experience to refer to in my memory. So instead of memorizing facts it’s better to memorize an experience with emotions involved. I think this is the true meaning of the saying ‘It’s better to walk one million miles then read one million books.’

How to be happy.

How to be happy.

-Subject: Happiness

Uncle Din has live long enough to learn a thing or two about happiness and hope you can learn to be happy too. According to the happy index web, Hong Kong, the city I live in is ranked 123/140. So according to data I live in one of the most unhappy place in the world. But yet I consider myself a very happy person. But I didn’t start this way, I was depressed and wanted to kill myself at some point of my life, But yet I’m still here writing this with a little grin on my face.

Meditation for artist.

Meditation for artist.

-Subject: Meditation demo.

I watched a proko video about an auto drawing meditation method, Which reminded me I used to do it a alot when I was in high school, When listening to the teacher speaks I always draw automatically on whatever paper was in front of me, I forgot how refreshing it was to draw the shapes out of your system, I do think artist is not doing it enough, so today I'd be doing a demo on that.

How to create daily content for 30 days.

How to create daily content for 30 days.

Subject: The benefits of daily tasks.

This post marks the 30th daily post in a roll, I’ve learnt that it’s important to learn and celebrate from small goals since big goals are made out of a lot of small goals. Actually I plan to create daily content forever! It’s a great habit and my brain now after 30days is automatically wired to create content constantly. It’s a great feeling to have. And now let’s review what did I learn in the process.