How far could art advice go.

How far could art advice go.

Subject: Art advice.

-Subject: Art advice.

The fact is that we are all different and the path we that worked for each of us would be different. The time required for each person to understand a concept is different. Like we discussed before memory can’t get you too far. Yet you don’t know how many practice or advice you need for you to ‘understand’ the next concept. So what could a piece of advice do for you best? Let’s look into it.

If you’ve heard of the story of blind people trying to describe an elephant(If not just google it, I’d wait for you :) Artist are the blind people and the thing we are trying to explain to people is art. Each person shared the piece of information they discovered yet at the moment you read it, it might sound wrong to you. But instead of dismissing the information I’d like to suggest holding on that piece of puzzle, for year I’ve read every art advice I could get my paws on. I have to admit I was not bright enough to understand what art advice truly mean. The symptoms of this is following the advice to the extreme and yet failing to understand the true meaning behind it. An example would be reading a digital painting advice or a video as the creator paints with 67% opacity(which they probably clicked randomly) you are so paranoid that you must also set yours to 67%. Yet we are learning art here, if it’s building a machine those few % might make a difference yet in art you are better off focusing on why is the creator using this opacity at the first place.

So as for me today I’d like to share the mindset that has worked for me, hope it will be somewhat useful for you as well, Just pick the parts that made sense for you at the moment and practice on those yet knowing the rest might make sense to you soon or it doesn’t apply to your personality type. This might be a bit zen, but we are living in the now. And I truly believe that if you picked things for yourself you’d put more effort on it. At the end of the day you are the king, the master of yourself, you decide to make the move, advice are just like advisers at the side, If you are letting the adviser to sit on that chair. Things are going to get ugly, advise are great but they can’t be more then advice itself.

Keep growing,


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