Ink wash skull study.


Subject: Ink wash training.

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’d know that ink brush drawing is all the fuzz now since kim jung gi got poplar. Honestly I’m very late to the hype train, or I didn’t cared enough, yet I saw some videos of people doing it and it looks like the most fun thing in the world, so I’ve started to mess around with it, These are my first attempts. And the post about my set up.

Today I figured what else to get better on it by doing studies with it, so here is the ink wash skull study breakdown with our friend Mr.Skull. I’ve started to learn with limited values you really need to design the shapes very well and make quick judgement calls on grouping a value to light or dark. Not the best looking piece of work but the main point is to learn.


Here is Mr.Skull with all his glory.


Using 3 tones this time, Using the lightest to draw the outline.


Light shadow block in.


Block in darker value.


Second light pass, trying to tell more information, It’s best to tell the details between dark and light. like textures etc.


Finishing up adding the darkest darks. So to recap, the mouth is very off to the left and the jaw on the right side is showing too much from the angle I’m drawing from.

Hope you all can avoid my mistakes and do a better job then me haha, Anyway it’s a great record for future me to have some reference.

Take care,


Cheated and fixed with photoshop :P

Cheated and fixed with photoshop :P

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