Memorizing vs Understanding.

Memorizing vs Understanding.

Subject: Memory in drawing.

-Subject: Memory in drawing.

Schooling in Asia is well known for stuffing information down your stomach like a thanks giving turkey. Yet the time period given for you to convert that to long term memory is extremely short. Let alone memory can just get you that far. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to memorize the human form, what shapes are the muscles, Yet when I try to spin the form my memory can’t generate what will it look like visually. I found it much better when I have experience to refer to in my memory. So instead of memorizing facts it’s better to memorize an experience with emotions involved. I think this is the true meaning of the saying ‘It’s better to walk one million miles then read one million books.’

Think about hard facts like strangers I’ve given you his name and told you he’s a good person. These are just facts to you and you’s probably forget it soon. But then you started hanging out with the stranger and he became your friend, suddenly his name meant more then words to you. You could tell he or she is a good person since you’ve experienced him taking care of lost animals on the street. You could probably draw your friend better then a stranger.

What I’m getting to is you need to treat your drawing subject like a friend, have some experience with it, Take it out for a walk or drink coffee with it. By then the image in your head will start to spin in different angles. Time to take my fundamentals for a walk.

Keep growing,


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