How to take cold showers.

How to take cold showers.

Subject: Cold showers.

-Subject: Cold showers.

I have to admit it was hard for me to take cold showers constantly. Especially in cold weathers you’d feel like those frozen fish in the freezers. But the reward is huge! You get your blood pumping, You mind becomes clear. It’s like overclocking your brain. Also for the ladies you get better skin. So let’s get into it how to get yourself into it.

1.Turn off the heater. This could be obvious but knowing there is hot water available for you is like candy next to your mouth. It will be too accessible for you, just turn it off.

2.Breath a lot. Cold showers are always compared with intense sports, It will really get your blood pumping. So be sure to take around 15-20 deep breaths before you get in to keep that oxygen up,take in as much air as you can and hold it for a few seconds then release and do it again. Also I felt less cold when I am rapidly breathing in the cold shower.

3.Do it quick. You can’t think about it too much, your brain will reason with you and talk you out off it. Just jump in the shower as soon as possible it’s now or never.

Here are the 3 tips that helped me take the cold showers the most. Do this one thing and save yourself money on fitness products this is by far one of the best thing you can do for a health body and mind.

Keep growing,


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