
How to deal with drunk people.

How to deal with drunk people.

-Subject: Drunk people.

I’ve spent two years of my life going out and trying to learn how to be social (aka picking up girls.) I’ve learnt my skills and left the party scene behind. But yet it was valentines day and my girl friend wet out drinking with her friend. I never liked drinking ever in my life, Long story short things got ugly her friend got dunk and the table next to them got drunk and things got out of control. I went and make sure she’s safe with all drunks around. So today let’s see how could you handle these human zombies with class.

How to take cold showers.

How to take cold showers.

-Subject: Cold showers.

I have to admit it was hard for me to take cold showers constantly. Especially in cold weathers you’d feel like those frozen fish in the freezers. But the reward is huge! You get your blood pumping, You mind becomes clear. It’s like overclocking your brain. Also for the ladies you get better skin. So let’s get into it how to get yourself into it.

Who is the master and who is the tool?

Who is the master and who is the tool?

-Subject: Never leave the drivers seat.

On pass entries I’ve discussed you must be the master of your brain, Use your brain to work for you and not the opposite. But not only your brain, you must be the master of your reality or things will start to go wrong. Today we will discuss three more things that could steal your master seat if you are not paying enough attention.

What happens after your leap of faith.

What happens after your leap of faith.

-Subject: Mind sets before you leap.

There’s a lot of people talking about the leap of faith and the results after they got to the bottom(or kept flying in the air?) But not much share what happens in the middle. I’m on my 3rd big leap of my life now. It’s more of a psychological challenge more then a physical challenge since unlikely you will get hurt that way(unless your leap of faith is going to become a UFC champion.) Let’s talk about what emotional attacks your mind will throw at you and what mind-set tools you need to fight till the very end.

The killing speech.

The killing speech.

-Subject: Keep an eye on what you take in.

I was watching a video speech by David foster yesterday about being the master of your mind. Apparently the speech is recorded while he was in some university. First question I had is why did they let him to talk in universities if he’s talking the truth? I got my answer half way because he is talking about exactly the school system wants people to think. He speaks part of the truth but it’s flawed.