The killing speech.

The killing speech.

Keep an eye on what you take in.

-Subject: Keep an eye on what you take in.

I was watching a video speech by David foster yesterday about being the master of your mind. Apparently the speech is recorded while he was in some university. First question I had is why did they let him to talk in universities if he’s talking the truth? I got my answer half way because he is talking about exactly the school system wants people to think. He speaks part of the truth but it’s flawed.

Being the master of your own mind is 100% correct, Let”s see how this bait lures you into a trap. In the video he claims your negative experience comes from putting yourself in the center of the universe also he said chasing money is bad and you should also think more in other people’s perspective. At this point I knew where this boat is heading. He is constantly taking value away from his existence and putting other people on pedestals. He is removing his reason to live! He thought he is the master of his mind but he”s just tricked by his mind. “The guy might kill himself.” I thought. I checked after I finished the video, Surprise surprise he committed suicide in 2008.

Learn from his mistake.

Since the mind is a powerful foe we all need to face let’s learn from his death so the poor guy didn’t die for nothing. 1. Don’t let the mind or anybody tell you that you are not the center of the universe. The center of the universe is the driving seat of your body. David gave up his driving seat to his mind. So what happened? The mind drove it into a wall and killed him. 2. Don’t waste your effort thinking for other people. The way you take care of others is being selfish and thinking for yourself. Think about why the word ‘selfish’ is so powerful at attacking people. Because the people behind the system wants you to feel that way. And doing things and thinking for ‘other people’ always sound so right! Hey Jimmy why don’t you donate some money to these ‘other people’ that needs your help? which I will keep 99.9% of your donation and god knows if the 0.1% will help anybody!(usually they wont tell you this part.) What happens if you reject? Everyone gets to attack you with the ‘selfish’ spell! making you feel bad.

Every time someone called me ‘selfish’ It’s a great reminder I’m still awaken. By taking care of yourself aka ‘selfish’ you can have enough to be a giver and generously give help when you see fit. How could you give if you don’t earn any yourself?

3. Money or greed are what keeps you alive. Being alive means competition. No matter you like it or not. There’s people behind the curtains planting ideas in your mind to give up competing for your share of the cake so they could have more cake. Improvement or value you provide will come in the form of money. The more you give the more money you get. Money is how we currently calculate value. Like it or hate it it’s the system we live with. Giving up your goals and dreams will also kill your drive to live.

So what killed him?

So to sum up. David 1. Gave up his body to his mind(Salve to his mind.) 2. Lower his self-worth. 3. Gives up the drive to live. So what can he do other then killing himself? By bringing guys like this to talk in schools can make more dump people think like him and give up their share of the cake.

I agree there’s too many people on earth and we should reduce the numbers, but is this the right way? I think people should be awaken and look for better answers. Also spreading this kind of stupid information is very dangerous. They look like they are good for you in the package of colorful candy but after you ate it the sugar will slowly kill you from the inside. Please think more when dealing with information not only from the internet but everywhere. Wish you all stay awaken.

Until Next time,


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