What happens after your leap of faith.

What happens after your leap of faith.

Mind sets before you leap.

-Subject: Mind sets before you leap.

There’s a lot of people talking about the leap of faith and the results after they got to the bottom(or kept flying in the air?) But not much share what happens in the middle. I’m on my 3rd big leap of my life now. It’s more of a psychological challenge more then a physical challenge since unlikely you will get hurt that way(unless your leap of faith is going to become a UFC champion.) Let’s talk about what emotional attacks your mind will throw at you and what mind-set tools you need to fight till the very end.

Identify that the worst

1. Identify that the worst is not that bad. I think of movie director/film maker Kevin Smith when I got around this topic. When he decided to be a film maker and give up his job and loan money to make his first movie clerks. He knew if his movie didn’t workout he will just find another job to pay his loans and eventually he could even have an other shot soon down that road. So before you make your leap you can play out the worst outcome and be prepared so it won’t even hit that hard if it happens. If my trip to Australia to improve my dating life and become a tattoo artist didn’t work out, I will have to come back Hong Kong and look for a ‘normal’ job and keep trying. Yes it will be harder without my savings and family trying to stop me. Not giving up is half way the battle.

Lower your expectations

2. Control your expectations. You heard me talk about aiming high and setting big goals. Isn’t controlling expectations shooting myself in my foot? Look these concepts are two sides of the same idea, balance is at the middle like Yin and Yang. You have to understand both side to achieve balance. With that out of the way let’s talk about expectations. You can have big goals and low expectations. Not expecting too much is what keeps you going. For example when I just started going out my goal was just talking to one girl on the street, Then I do 3 then 5 then 10. (By the 10 mark I am already decent in instant dates so the numbers don’t matter much anymore.) But the point is get the ball rolling everyday. Expect low, hit it, then aim higher repeat until you get what you want.

Enjoy Yourself

3. Enjoy the journey. Now looking back at both of my leaps the best times are always in the middle, Yes getting what you want is cool but the journey is always memorable, I remember going out with the boys at night, cheering for each other and we get food afterwards and talk about our day. I remember sharing tattoo ideas with my mentor and working hard on doing my first tattoo on people. Everyday I look forward on bettering my art and writing about having a stronger mind and improvement. You can;t see but I did smile on some of those when I was writing or the other day I understood why I got stuck in a drawing. These are all golden to me. I know you heard it before but find ways to enjoy or learn to enjoy your journey.


There are 3 points off my mind, leaps of faiths are always good for you, what worst can it do? Fail and grow as a person also gaining experience the worst case or live in regrets and stay in your safety net all your life? You call.

Until Next time,


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