Killing Love.


Subject: Building a story.

I’ve studied a lot of people along my years, today I’d use the information I have to generate a story people would enjoy, Since art is communication all that right. It’s also a good experiment for me to test if I know the audience. So here is my story called killing love.

There’s this demon girl called Mintra which is very powerful and could travel time and space with her snake pet Z. She is always depressed and bored and try to look for love. Then one of her many magic artifacts she has is a ring that shows potential romantic partners along the cosmic,

She will travel there with some adventure every time and she will find the guy and fall in love. Then somehow every time after they get together the guy will die in all timelines,

She will be angry and sad while travel around to destroy innocent beings and cry and drink all night. Then she will recover some what and look into her magic ring and she knows this time will be different then she teleports out again.

Story Pilot

So it will go like:

Two cites are in a middle of battle, The young general of the cat clan if out numbered but the dog clan’s warriors,Moments before he thinks this is the end a water-like pool opened in the middle of the sky and a girl with horns and a funny looking snake on her shoulders leaped out and destroyed he dog warriors before him.

Cat is surprised she even speak their language. ‘I am your destiny, We shall fall in love.’ Mintra the demon said. While a large amount of the dog army is closing in Mintra opened another pool like portal and out comes a giant beast which scared the dog army away. Cat clan won the war.

Then they both fall in love, when out and have dinner and played some cat ball. ‘Come drink at my place!’ Cat said, looking at the love of his life. ‘I”m not sure.’ said Mintra but Cat picked her up like a prince and they spent the night together. But at midnight we see Mintra sitting at the window looking at the moon.

Cat’s servants has come inside to check on them and found that cat has died. War bells was rang and the cat troops came to avenge their general but they all got burnt from an fire artifact Mintra took out from the portal, She picked up her wine and the servant saw tears in her eyes. ‘I thought this time will be different.” she said then she walked into a portal opened up by the snake on her shoulders. -End of pilot


So the base would be like this a lonely powerful girl looking for love. This is a great base to be creative and play from. I’d develop it more when the idea comes. If you want to see the designs I did for his story you can check out the video.

Until Next time,


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