Stupidity is a choice.

Stupidity is a choice.

Choose to be a growing person.

-Subject: Choose to be a growing person.

There’s this little girl in my class that would shout out “I Don’t know how to do my homework.” Before she even look at out take out her homework. Then after she has taken them out I’d ask her to read out the question. She”d say hey I actually know this question, Then she went off until she finds another question which she won’t read and “thinks” she doesn’t know which won”t be long . No one seems to teach thinking at school.

When they are young.

Then there’s this boy who refused to know what homework he has, You have to find out for him. Then comes the good part. I”d ask him to read the question be he’d tell me he can’t read, he’s in primary 2. Then I will teach him the word and ask him to copy it until he learns the word. Then he told me he can”t write while looking at the word on paper with his pencil in his hand. When he has free time he will stand and wait time passes and rejects my suggestion of learning some words and at least learn to read, He looks at me funny. It’s like thinking is not the norm.

When they grew up.

What happens if these people grow up? I know, I look at them everyday. Yesterday my dad is driving and we are going to our aunt”s new home. He doesn’t know the way so my uncle called him and taught him once. Just in case I also had my GPS on telling him how to go and told him it’s just a 30 mins drive hoping to give him some confidence. My dad decided he knew the way rejecting the GPS and my uncles guide. His ego won’t let people help him. Then after 10mins he knew he was lost. He said ‘I don”t know how to go, let’s go home I give up!’ He has chosen to be a loser and all the love in the world can help him.

The corona virus outbreak is here and I have to threaten my parents with violence to make to put on mask to protect themselves. Like Dan Pena said love can’t do it. There are people with huge egos and happy being stupid that can”t be helped.

Choose how you think.

These all remind me of keeping my growth mindset and if I don”t know something I will do all my best to learn it. You know what my parents look like to me? They are the ones that would make a self-made billionaire and I”d be just that.

Until Next time,


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