Evidence of greatness.

Subject: Evidence of greatness.

There’s two voices in your head. You and your brain, I have explained a lot about the brain before. So I’d talk about you, you have dreams and goals in your life, you develop as a person from the experience in your life, therefor you know more about yourself more and become a more seasoned soul. The ability to listen to yourself therefor combine your two thoughts is called self discipline, Also means being accountable for yourself. Today my goal is to get rich via art, my brain is asking me why I can do that. And today of me 33 years of age looking back although a lot of time is wasted on video games I’ve got the things I’ve really wanted. Today’s story covers why me and you should listen to me.

I’ve got everything I’ve wanted and went out to get.

Two big leaps in my young life of 33 years and I have acquired them very quickly, almost too quick. I didn’t know what I’ve wanted until my first girl friend left me around 24. Looking back it’s like being born again. I started to think what do I want. I wanted to be good with girls and become a tattoo artist(every family member is against it by the way). And even I was still very dump at 24 I know my parents are losers for life and I’d be just like them if I stay around them. So I applied for a working holiday to Australia to focus on my two goals. But before that I was already collecting data on the internet and found out about the pickup and self develop community, I think I started with david D, RSD tim and simple pickup, funny fast the 1st night I went out to pick up girls I meet Jesse and Kong from simple pick up in a bar in WanChai HongKong, They were having an Asia tour. (Simple pick up is from USA.) What are the chances? I took that for a strong sign from the universe it was right.

Getting good with girls.

There was a lot of stories in the pick up path, like going to the last Julian free tour and getting attacked by feminist and starting my own podcast. But those are stories for another time because we are talking success records for my self esteem and confidence to out power my brain telling my I can’t do things I want. So I started reading pickup stuff at 24, started going out at 25 and stopped around 27, so what’s my record? At the end when I was thinking about quitting I’m with 1-3 new girls per week and did I tell you I’m a low status Asian in a western country? Also I’m ugly and poor as fuck. How could I not be confident if I achieved this with my brain witness this first hand? I ended this my visualizing my long term girl friend now(together for 4 years now? I can’t count lol). This is also a great prove on affirmations since she was 90% matching the things I wrote down. So re-cap on getting good with girls time spent 3 years, results are insane.


For being an tattoo artist I started knocking on every shop I could find. But it was very hard since I had no tattoos even though I can draw and have basic graphic skills since I studied design. So I finished up most of the shops in Perth then I flew to Melbourne. I got money saved up in the farm(learnt a lot there as well). And I found a Chinese tattoo shop opening up in the city and they took me in, But learning was slow since master won”t teach your much since ‘chinese culture’ lol Then one of my friends from the farm told me her friend just arrived Melbourne from taiwan and surprise surprise he is a tattoo artist and I happened to have a spare bed at my home. So he taught we a lot of valuable things and we are as good as brothers and he did my first tattoo. Munch has happened but they are stories for other days. To recap on becoming tattoo artist, started at 25, did my first tattoo at 27. Too fast, Too easy.


This post started with my brain telling me to drop the idea of being rich with art. Then I searched my history on ‘facts’ that I would fail. No as I am finishing this up, the brain got on my side lol. From my track record I GOT EVERYTHING I went hard to get, this getting rich stuff would be a piece of cake. My brain has 200% trust on me, everything is in one line.

Until Next time,


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