Subject: Art inner game improvement.
This is a series focused on the mind part of being an artist, How to upgrade your software so to speak, Today we have update patch 5 with a different guy, Marcus Aurelius.
1.”The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
People think about artist as sad people. It’s true to a certain extent, It’s hard to survive as an artist and even getting some respect and understanding from other people, Being a recovered depressed person I say it’s easy to fill your mind with dark thoughts and sink into the deep darkness of depression. But it’s not a good place to be, Instead I challenge myself and all of you to do to hard thing. To be happy, look for higher quality thoughts. I truly think that happiness is a skill that you need to practice everyday. If the value of happiness is so high why no body is talking about how to learn to be happy? Start training to be happy now.
2.”The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”
You might think, Hey Din, There ideas of framing your mind and the idea of art inner game sounds a bit crazy? Yes, I agree with you. Because I am seeking to develop a mind of a great artist. Great ideas always sound insane to the majority, It’s a fact written in history. Imagine being the first person explaining the idea of internet to the crowd, He must sounded crazy. You must accept chasing greatness will make you insane of the eye of the majority of average people. Average people are stupid, I don’t want to be stupid. Van gogh is a great painter because he is insane.
3.”Loss is nothing else but change, and change is nature’s delight.”
People now make fun of losing and losing things is like a negative thing that we should avoid and look ‘cool’. But if you are avoiding losing you are avoiding nature or god, Losing or failing is natural and required in life. People keep you in line and control you by the toxic words of failure but yet it’s as natural as the air you breath. I have failed in art and life many many times, Yet I am looking forward to wake up tomorrow and run into that wall and try again until as long as it’s required.
Keep growing,
Hello Folks, Studying value is one of the most important task as an artist, And even more so as a tattoo artist since we don’t have full access to full values when we are working on skin. So today we’re going to do a mid tone study.