The best art advice today.

The best art advice today.

Art advice again.

-Subject: Art advice again.

You are changing everyday and hopefully growing everyday, So your art advice that worked yesterday might not work today, Make sense? The latest and greatest art advice I’ve got lately is cultivate your love for art from a deviant art podcast Episode 12. It’s easy and natural to do a thing if you’ve already love it.

Why don’t you just love art then? Like many things you might start to love it at first then start to hate it when you got more information about it and then go full circle back loving it anyway accepting it’s flaws and you’ve discovered a new angle to it. Also I’d like to point out that hating is also love. You see they are the same emotion. If your emotion towards it turns positive we call it love, If it goes negative we call it hate. What do you mean if you hate art is that you don’t love it as you’ve used to in that moment of time.

So one thing we can all do is to ask why I love art? It might be a very long answer and you could write it out on a piece of paper and save tons of money on therapy to discover yourself. For me that answer today is that art is where I can have control of things, I can control time in art and also the weather and light directions and how things look, It gives me pleasure for being creative. Secondly I like it because art is somewhat ‘fair’. By that I mean you can always safely invest in art and it would show from your work. You can say the same on things like gambling or even relationship with another person, all of your effort could have gone to waste since going back to my first point it’s out of your control.

Now having you answers on why you love art you can understand yourself more and convince yourself it’s worth your efforts, Realize that this is a life long relationship that takes effort to maintain. But again unlike most times in life it’s a investment that pays off.

Keep growing,


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