Art mental game quotes. (Part 4)

Art mental game quotes. (Part 4)

Subject Art quotes.

Subject Art quotes.

You know what? I’m not smart at all, But I know art is half mental half physical, Let’s look at smarter people for advice on improvement in art and life, Welcome our boy Epictetus.

1.”If you want to be a writer, write.”

Things are often too complicated these days our it;s us making excuse to not move forward because we are afraid. If you want to be a painter, paint. If you want to be a tattooer start making tattoos, The learning comes after the action. We ‘modern’ people think learning is always sitting down and reading book, Yes it’s part of it, How about the part you learn with action? It’s been lost in transaction, or the people teaching you just want to teach you how to be stupid?

2.”Be discriminating about what images and idea you permit into your mind.”

What is amazing is the fact that this is written before TV. In old times people already knew the power of visualization. Ask yourself are you watching too much gossip and useless junk on TV and your device, Or worst something that brainwash you and hold you back? Full your mind with powerful images of what you want to become, like reading this blog, It’s just a fact not bragging, I’m seeking to improvement and growth everyday and you are welcome to join me.

3.”If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you but answer, He was ignorant of my other faults else he would not have mentioned these alone.”

Being an artist maybe the hardest hit from people is their ideas of your work, You’ve spent hours and hours on your work and the last thing you want to hear is ‘it looks terrible! Being an artist one must develop thick skin and remove your ego from your art. And able to make fun of yourself, If people say it’s a ugly guy your drawing you can reply “You know what’s worst I’m drawing a girl ha ha.”

That’s it for today, Quick and bold.

Keep growing,


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