How to deal with drunk people.

How to deal with drunk people.

Subject: Drunk people.

-Subject: Drunk people.

I’ve spent two years of my life going out and trying to learn how to be social (aka picking up girls.) I’ve learnt my skills and left the party scene behind. But yet it was valentines day and my girl friend wet out drinking with her friend. I never liked drinking ever in my life, Long story short things got ugly her friend got dunk and the table next to them got drunk and things got out of control. I went and make sure she’s safe with all drunks around. So today let’s see how could you handle these human zombies with class.

1.There’s no logic just emotions. Whatever they say doesn’t matter but if you reply with logic they will get on you hard. Don’t process anything they say with logic, when they say something trying to challenge you just kick the ball back quickly so they’d be the one always thinking how to handle you.

2.Tune it up. One thing happened last night was they are trying to intimidate me that their father died thinking it’s a crazy topic to share and I’d be shocked. I replied my grandmother just died this month(which is true in this case but hack I’d say anything.) when did your dad died? let’s see which one died more recent, then went silent like the students in the library study room. Whatever they throw at you turn it up and throw it back to them.

3.You have to lead the conversation. Remember who ever asks the questions control the conversation. When they throw some crazy comments at you quickly turn it up and throw it back at them. Then they are on the defense and you can lead them to talking trying to please you, it takes practice because it does require some framing skills, but for starters just focus on being the one asking more questions.

That’s it for today, hope you will also find these useful next time when the zombies show up.

Keep growing,


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