3 simple tips to draw feet.

3 simple tips to draw feet.

Subject: Drawing feet.

-Subject: Drawing feet.

I’ve done the drawing hands before, Let’s see how these three ideas can help us draw feet.

1. 3 shapes, Same as the hand the feet can be broken down into 3 puzzle pieces, The front part shaped like an axes head. Middle part a triangle and the last part which looks like a tear drop at the side.


2.The angry symbol, When you watch manga or anime if the person is angry he’s have a # like shape on the head, Same goes for the feet on side view, be sure to include it, feet’s are just always angry I guess.


3.Knife shape before toes. The toes all together form a shape a an samurai sword’s edge, Take care of the big shape and fill the toes in.


Hope all these simple tips helped, happy drawing.

Keep growing,


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