How to deal with drunk people.

How to deal with drunk people.

-Subject: Drunk people.

I’ve spent two years of my life going out and trying to learn how to be social (aka picking up girls.) I’ve learnt my skills and left the party scene behind. But yet it was valentines day and my girl friend wet out drinking with her friend. I never liked drinking ever in my life, Long story short things got ugly her friend got dunk and the table next to them got drunk and things got out of control. I went and make sure she’s safe with all drunks around. So today let’s see how could you handle these human zombies with class.

Shit test from women, A reminder.

Shit test from women, A reminder.

-Subject: Relationships

I’ve had my share of shit test. But I found myself constantly forgetting it. Which cause unnecessary conflicts in relationships. Recently looking back at arguments between me and my girl friend it was caused by me not spotting out quick enough which grew into a conflict.

But after that time I’ve reminded myself again and being able to take out that little kindle and take it out before it grew into a forest fire, So no matter are you new or experienced with it dealing with shit test should be one of every men’s life learning subjects. I believe all levels could benefit from this.