Shit test from women, A reminder.

Shit test from women, A reminder.

Keep calm and smile.

-Subject: Relationships

I’ve had my share of shit test. But I found myself constantly forgetting it. Which cause unnecessary conflicts in relationships. Recently looking back at arguments between me and my girl friend it was caused by me not spotting out quick enough which grew into a conflict.

But after that time I’ve reminded myself again and being able to take out that little kindle and take it out before it grew into a forest fire, So no matter are you new or experienced with it dealing with shit test should be one of every men’s life learning subjects. I believe all levels could benefit from this.

What is a shit test?

Women have the need to feel that your are emotionally strong in order to convince herself to stay with you. Men visually pick women of their choice and women usually test men to see if they are strong enough to be a partner. They do it subconsciously to any men they care about.

So that;s why your mum could be a bit hard at times. You need to man up and take a direction for them. In terms on relationships if you’re getting shit test thrown at you congratulations you’re being interviewed as a romantic partner. But how do you deal with it?

Treat shit test with logic you’d lose immediately.

Shit test is a 100% emotional game. As men we’d like to solve problems with logic but this game is not won by logic. See if this ring any bells? ‘Hey I want to change to job A or job B what do you think?’ Then you started analyzing the problem and pick pros and cons for A and B and picked A for her. She’d say ‘I don’t know and repeat her question.

Then you start to get annoyed thinking you’ve did the work for her what does she want? Then your tone got harder and she goes ‘You don’t understand’ and ignores you or worst you keep using logic until the fight starts. Congratulations you’ve lost.

The correct way would be addressing her emotions by asking questions like ‘ How do you FEEL about A? and why did you LIKE B?’ Then all the work is done and she will start talking. Often guys fall into a trap of the technical problem and failed the emotional problem.

The best tone to deal with shit test.

There are a lot of ways to deal with shit tests. But this is the best I’ve found. Shit test are fun little games. Tattoo this on your forehead. Masculinity is calm and controlled.

And the goal of shit tests is to throw you off and make you emotional and lose power by being not sure of yourself. How do you apply this funny game mindset?

For example A constant test I got from my girl friend is ‘Your art is so ugly, A 3 year old can draw better then you!’ Instead of using logic the argue with her just smile and go with ‘yeah, I’m gonna win the ugly art contest single handed.’ Your emotional state didn’t change, you are sure of yourself shit test passed.

The hard part is to remember this when your projects just failed and your painting didn’t turn of your way, your clients cancel their bookings and it starts to rain you forget your umbrella and you get the ‘Your art is ugly, you’d never make it.’ comment. Don’t buy into it, spot the shit test smile and say ‘Yeah cause I just drew you.’ Relax life is just fun and games.

Keep Growing,


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