Who is the master and who is the tool?

Who is the master and who is the tool?

Never leave the drivers seat.

-Subject: Never leave the drivers seat.

On pass entries I’ve discussed you must be the master of your brain, Use your brain to work for you and not the opposite. But not only your brain, you must be the master of your reality or things will start to go wrong. Today we will discuss three more things that could steal your master seat if you are not paying enough attention.

First one would be your smart phone. Are you using your smart phone to learn things and do work for you or is it using you to click pictures of hot girls to boost the view count on certain post and spent your time being a clicking robot for hours. I am definitely guilty of these things but you have to be aware and catch yourself doing it. It’s not an easy battle because apps like those are designed to keep you hooked.

The only way is to win is having strong will power and value more time at a higher rate. To have will power you need to train for it like going to the gym. Taking cold showers everyday is a great way to train will power. As for time value is really a matter of self worth. Grow your self esteem and you will hear it yelling at you when you are wasting time.

The second one would be money. When it comes to money you need to be clear are you needing money or you want money. Words are spells, the wording in your head can make a huge difference. Needing is weak, you are in defense. You put money higher then your self worth therefore you’d be out of control and unable to think. If you want money, you are in the attack. You are a person of value and offering value to the world. The more you work on giving out high quality work the higher the reward would come in money form. One way to do this is to understand money more. As powerful as money is, it also has it’s weakness it’s nothing more and nothing less then money.

Third- Food, Research has proven we don’t need that much energy to live, 3 meals a day is overeating not to count the snacks you are having in between. Since the salt and sugar and even carbohydrates are manufactured to taste good and make you hungry often.

Also most of the first world health issues are caused by over eating. I’d suggest start trying fasting. Start by skipping dinner and eat a bigger lunch. Also cut out carbohydrates. It is not easy because your body is addicted to bad food. But after the sweet spot you don’t even feel hungry anymore on one meal a day. The longest I’ve fasted is 72 hours. I did feel a but ill trying to eat again. But one meal a day is super doable and recommend it. Once you cut out carbs your mind will be more clear.

That’s it for today. hope you’ve learnt something, I certainly did after revisiting these points I could do better in each of them.

Keep growing,


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