Thinking game -How people are manipulated.

Thinking game -How people are manipulated.

Common sense is not common.

-Subject: Common sense is not common.

It really strikes me that people will believe anything from media, It’s the 6th of February 2020 as I’m writing it’s, The Hong kong government is finally blocker boarders from china to stop the spreed of the corona virus. Out comes the rumor that tissue would be out of stock soon since the stock transport will somehow be blocked too? I thought it’s a stupid rumor and no one would believe it but I was wrong. Tissue has been bought out in all supermarkets in Hong Kong it’s crazy.

HongKong Supermarket on 5th Feb 2020

HongKong Supermarket on 5th Feb 2020

So since I’ve learnt it’s not common sense anymore I’d invite you all to a thinking game. If I want to spreed hate and fear and stop people from eating vegetables what story would I make up? There’s what it might sound like:

Notice the day time is getting shorter and shorter? it’s because we greedy humans are over eating plants! scientist has proven that day time hours has been shorten by 3hours comparing from a few years back! It’s because humans has been over eating vegetables. Since we know vegetables can communicate with each other they are absorbing more sunlight therefor the day time has been shorten. At this rate we won’t have any day time left in 100years.

Sounds like a very bad written story with clear objectives right? Well let me tell you something ‘real’ it’s called global wa………

Keep Thinking,


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