How to create daily content for 30 days.

How to create daily content for 30 days.

Subject: The benefits of daily tasks.

Subject: The benefits of daily tasks.

This post marks the 30th daily post in a roll, I’ve learnt that it’s important to learn and celebrate from small goals since big goals are made out of a lot of small goals.

Actually I plan to create daily content forever! It’s a great habit and my brain now after 30days is automatically wired to create content constantly. It’s a great feeling to have. And now let’s review what did I learn in the process.

1.Just assume you will do it and things will happen. Unlike before when I used to ask myself how do I create daily content I just assume and have 100% faith I will do it.

When you push a hard command on the brain like this it has no choice but to execute your wish. Now as this became a habit I’m more confident to ask for much bigger things.

And if I dare you ask it, I shall receive, such a simple rule but not to simple to lean.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you” -God

2.It builds a solid track record for your brain to trust yourself. When I first listened to success leaves clues I had no idea what it meant.

Sine I viewed the testimonial from books and other media is often manipulated to a certain degree, I understand the point they make but it’s hard for me to take it 100% since part of me know it’s not as real.

But what about my own tracks? By looking at these 30days I see the tracks of a person on his way to victory little by little. I could’t deny it since me myself also become the witness. It’s a strong confidence boost.

3. I felt there’s more time in a day. By doing one post and one video per day while doing my freelance and teaching jobs I felt like my brain got used to a lot of workload and time is spent more effectively.

This experience is unexpected but very welcome. But also it’s a double edge sword since I do feel bad when time is not spent the best way that it could.

These are the three biggest perks I’ve felt so far. And I feel like it’s time to heat things up by butting more things on and get the snowball rolling faster, I challenge you to do the same, you’d feel amazing.

Keep growing,


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