3 Simple tips to draw hands.

3 Simple tips to draw hands.

Drawing hands.

-Subject:Drawing hands.

I thought I was not going to write this one multiple times but yet I haven’t seen my tips anywhere yet, I guess I got something unique to the table then. Here we go 3 simple tips to draw hands that has worked for me.

1. Simplify. The shape of the hand can be broken down to three shapes, The four fingers is a rectangle(pizza shape is spreed). The palm is a square. And the thumb is shaped like a chicken drum stick.


2.Negative space. Pay attention to the negative shapes between fingers. They are usually three triangles and a bigger triangle. Then instead of focusing on five fingers you can start the design with 4 shapes.


3. Rhythm. Pay attention to the direction of the hand. The fingers and the palm moves in one rhythm and the thumb is always a counter to that rhythm.

Here you are 3 simple tips, these are great supplements to add to the program you are learning from. Again the tips are here but the effort and time required for practice and get good is from you. For application please watch the video in this post.

Keep growing,


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