How to not be a pleaser.

How to not be a pleaser.

Grow some thic self esteem

-Subject: How to grow some thic self esteem

You might say there is nothing wrong being a pleaser or extra nice to people, after all you are just being nice right? If you observe people deeper you’d find that being a ‘pleaser’ is an expression of having low self esteem meaning you have very low self-worth.

And what is the problem of low self esteem? You act like you don’t matter people treat you like you don’t matter you project energy to the universe(or God) that you don’t matter,girls treat you like you are invisible, the world will treat you accordingly to your self esteem. In short it’s not a very enjoyable way to live.

By not being a pleaser I don’t mean treating people badly or be a bully, As always we are aiming for that balance. If you are raised by a mediocre family like me, chances are you were raised this way you didn’t even notice you are being a pleaser and today we’d look at some actions on how to you breakout of that pleaser mindset.

1.You are worth it. If you want people to treat you better the first step is to treat yourself better. One awhile go to that expensive restaurant to have that meal you like. Why? Because you are worth it. By doing these actions you are re-wiring your brain with facts that you might have more value then the brain thinks. Also you are the only hero that could change your life? How’d you treat a person that will change your life?

2.Have good posture. As social beings our status and worth is determined by how we stand and walk. If a low rank money starts walking up straight like a boss most likely he will be beaten to death. Good news for you if you need a stranger while standing well they will treat you will more respect because they don’t know the fasts about you. By the way to carry yourself you must contain some value. Start by looking up. Chest as high as possible, like how UFC fighter Conor mcgregor is the perfect example. Watch some videos of him walking into the octagon. What is amazing is you will constantly feel better when you walk like this. Pure magic.

3.Ask for small favors. It doesn’t have to be big, things like pass me a cup of water or borrow me a pencil. What is interesting is that I found that kids do this naturally all the time. If you’re spoiled kid you gonna have some confidence right. Make this a habit and slowly the brain will start to think that you are someone important to have so many people do things for you.

By practicing there day by day you self esteem will slowly but surely grow. remember all I could help is tell you what worked for me, you have to put in the time and effort yourself.

Until Next time,


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