Ask the right question.

Ask the right question.

How to ask yourself a question.

-Subject: How to ask yourself a question.

This is a simple topic, Simple but very difficult. The story that reminded me of this goes like this: It was back in the pick up days I was texting this girl and she’s not texting back, I thought I got everything right. Then I tired my best right?

Then I dated another girl out and was talking about this(I tell them everything), something about this one because my experience or inner voice thinks it went well?(Before you lean there’s this thing called going too well.) ‘I did everything right’ I sad, ‘Then what is lacking?’ my date asked. ‘hmm there’s comfort and challenge for sure maybe lacking a bit fun?’ ‘Then add a bit of fun!’ she said. And that was it I added a bit of fun and she texted back. I didn’t remember how did the texting go but I remembered the lesson.

I think most of us have all the answers already but not asking the right question. Why is that? Because emotions get in our way right, it’s so hard, I can’t do it blah blah. Instead the right and hard thing to do is to step back and look at the big picture.

Like being frustrated by things not working out. Instead adopt the mind set of everything is a puzzle game.In terms of painting, if your piece is not working it has to be something solvable, your learning is to limit the choices until you find the answer, is it the value? hows the lighting? You just have to learn and find the steps. It’s always a choice. You can choose to become a ‘it’s too hard and I give up’ person, or the ‘it’s too hard but let’s solve it.’ person. Your choice.

Keep Growing,


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