How to be happy.

How to be happy.

Subject: Happiness

-Subject: Happiness

Uncle Din has live long enough to learn a thing or two about happiness and hope you can learn to be happy too. According to the happy index web, Hong Kong, the city I live in is ranked 123/140. So according to data I live in one of the most unhappy place in the world. But yet I consider myself a very happy person. But I didn’t start this way, I was depressed and wanted to kill myself at some point of my life, But yet I’m still here writing this with a little grin on my face.

1. Keep living for surprises. Life is full of surprises out of your expectations. Everyday you can experience different things, I,m talking about small things, like I wonder how would my steak taste like tomorrow. And good news for you is the fact that people create things everyday and people are improving. Me for example is looking at the new art piece JESPER EJSING did. It’s amazing! And by being alive you can also expect more on what you love.

2.Want vs need. If you need things you make it the master of you, You feel the lack of it, Your mind tells you its the answer to your happiness. But no, we all know the answer it wasn’t the thing you really needed and you end up looking for other things. Yet wanting is icing on your cake. You are already happy and you want things to add on it, but the source of happiness is always created from you. You bring the fun not the material things.

3.You are complete. All the things that is required to experience happiness is built in within you. Ways to interact with the world, ignore the lies from sells people you don’t need anything. You are complete and well.

I believe everyone has unique answers to this on different stage of their life, these are mine, hope they could help you if not keep looking!

Keep growing,


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