How to stop asking stupid questions.

How to stop asking stupid questions.

How to deal with information you don’t understand.

-Subject: How to deal with information you don’t understand.

Once awhile in life or learning art(life,art,learning are the same meaning to me)or even we will encounter information we don’t understand or even counters our knowledge and believes. There are a few main ways people react:

A) It’s false! This other human is challenging me, how does he know better? I’m better then him.Then you argue.

B) This doesn’t make sense to me. I'd dismiss it and act like I respect this person.

C) I don’t understand it now, I will respect this person and store this information, it might make sense one day.(This is also based on the mindset of your willingness to grow and already assume you will be smarter by day.)

Which of those people would have the biggest advance in life? A&B is also tided to ego issues. Usually you feel assaulted by other people’s knowledge. You want to act smart you have given in to your ego, It controls you, You can’t help but ask stupid questions to make yourself feel better to serve your ego. Instead you need to know that no body knows anything. The information I don’t know will always be grater then the ones I know for information is infinite.

In Art a lot of times I will see artist do or say things I don’t understand or even opposite to my understanding. Mind you they could still be information. But the fast is ‘you’ in the moment is not smart enough to tell. Also there’s no value in arguing with people either. The thing I value and I also invite you to value is the maximum growth in life. Arguing is just a fight on who has a bigger penis(yes women are trying to grow one in this crazy age).I’m Asian and I have to smallest one ok? :) All I cared is valuable information.

Time after time I had things that clicked for me once I applied this mindset. So the next time you want to ask a stupid question try to stop yourself and store that information in your mind library, it might have great value to you later and you have created one less enemy.

Until Next time,
