You're probably too comfortable to get good at art.

You're probably too comfortable to get good at art.

You need to kill comfort.

- Subject: getting good at art.

You have a ok job, you eat ok food, and ok sleep, You want to get good at art, but you don't have much time on it and do some yoyo drawings but they look ok right? Ok is not good enough. ok is the killer of greatness. The first step to change is telling yourself is not ok. As always I won’t throw problems out without answers let’s see how do we fix this.

Discomfort is ok.

Modern day sells you the idea of comfort and kills your dreams, It is natural to feel discomfort, in fact learn to use discomfort to your advantage ‘Ice man’ Wim hof said cold is his greatest teacher, Steve job’s ‘Be hungry’ being used everywhere but who really understood it? Cold and hunger both creates discomfort, you have to be as ease with them be in control, Allow discomfort to craft you into something better, stronger. Because in comfort you will never change, So pick your teacher, it’s cold in Hong Kong now so cold showers is my teacher which I will move towards hunger in summer because the water will be boiled by then. Redirect the discomfort to your work!

Have a direction.

People always ask you to set one goal, they probably never set goals themselves before. Goals will change everyday instead of goals I invite you to have a direction. Because most of the time you don’t have enough information or experience to lock on to one goal, Like how planes get to a location, even they have a set goal they course correct everyday. Also one thing about goals is that it’s so far you just won’t start. If you have a direction your daily efforts will count, as you gain experience you course correct yourself everyday until the goal ahead becomes clear. But what’s the beauty of a direction? When you reach that goal it’s not OK anymore. Go top speed in the direction to hit another one. This blog is always made for me, it’s my direction.

Combine the two.

Now to need fuel to run in that direction, use your teachers wise, run towards it as bad as you want to eat in hunger, run towards it like you want to leave this cold shower. Direct your will towards it,Chase it like a crazy person. Nothing else matters.

Until Next Time,
