How to fall asleep the only way that works.

How to fall asleep the only way that works.

Sleep well live well.

-Subject: Sleep well live well.

I’ve had troubles sleeping since forever. I have important task to do the next day I went to bed early but I just can’t sleep I tried melatonin, warm showers, music you name it I tried it, nothing worked. But it all comes to one detail. I breath with my mouth when I sleep because my nose will be stuck somehow while I sleep. Then the came across this trick to clear the nose and makes you breath from your nose.

Since then my sleep quality went up and I can finally SLEEP. Here is how you do it, you block one side of your nose and breath with one side, at the start it might be hard but try, take in as much air as possible and release slowly. Do this for each side around 3-5 mins. You will notice you will be taking up much more air and ‘taught’ the body to breath with the nose. Do this before bed and enjoy! Now you have more energy to work on that 10,000 hours on your craft.


Until next time,
