Back from death. Daily bounty Ch.25


Subject: Daily bounty.

Welcome to chapter 25 of the daily bounty comic.

Ch1. Ch2. Ch3. Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10 Ch.11 Ch.12 Ch.13 Ch.14 Ch.15 Ch.16 Ch.17 Ch.18 Ch.19 Ch.20

Ch.21 Ch.22 Ch.23 Ch.24

The gang arrived the battle filed on their war dogs? They can see mountains of enemies across the river. All of a sudden Todd notice a familiar silhouette in the crowed. It was the ogre that got darth mauled! aka blasted in half. Yet he seems alive and well except there’s a buy growing out from his body. Will Todd find out the connections? will they win such a one sided battle? find out next time on the comic……………..daily bounty ch.26.

Thanks for reading.


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