How to work on art projects with clients.
Subject: How to handle Art clients.
-Subject: How to handle Art clients.
It will be the best thing in the world if you can get paid drawing the things you like right? I believe that’s every artist’s ultimate goal, but yet before you go there you will encounter clients paying you money which you need to survive and of cause in return they will be expecting you deliver the things they want, Yet how to you achieve this is an art of it’s own. Let’s see what we can do to secretly take control of the situation heehee.
1.Screen your clients. It’s just a fact that there’s terrible people in the world, When you start to communicate with them if they sound too demanding it’s a red flag, Also pay attention if they talk in absolutes, They are either a sith or a bad client. Also do the deposit test, Before you do anything for them ask for a deposit, If they are not willing to pay it, it’s likely they are not going to pay you for your work or they don’t respect art that much.
2.Let them answer their own question. ‘I like your stuff you can do whatever you want!” It’s the most scary comment in the world, You have to understand no person really means that. I’ve learnt this the hard way.Doing tons of revisions without directions. They way to solve this is to ask them for reference, And then design according to it, therefore the client made a decision on art direction and is less likely to reject your ideas.
3.Don’t send out any ideas or sketches you don’t want to do. I can’t count any times the worst sketches always end up being picked! Then best way to solve this is to keep it to yourself. Before you send out ideas made sure you are ok doing the one you like the least, If yes send it out.
Hope these tips could help you along the way, It sure too me a lot of headaches to learn these Jedi mind tricks, Look elsewhere Sir these are not the tips you are looking for.
Keep Growing,
Hello Folks, Studying value is one of the most important task as an artist, And even more so as a tattoo artist since we don’t have full access to full values when we are working on skin. So today we’re going to do a mid tone study.