Improve your art mental game with quotes- Part 3.

Improve your art mental game with quotes- Part 3.

-Subject: Art quotes.

-Subject: Art quotes.

Moving on with our man Epictetus, Let’s see what can we think about today. There are great wisdom that could improve your art “inner game” instantly.

1.”He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” This one again make me think of resources to create art, there was a point that I thought I need an Ipad pro to make good art, Or the wacom cintiq that I don’t have, Yet there are not required to create good art, The next time you caught yourself thinking you need something else you don’t have to make quality work, Look at the pair of hands you have and the eyes to see, Great masters has done it with less resources then all of us.

2.”Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems.” Another killer, How many times you are making your art problems bigger then they are? I certainly did to a point that a doubt myself am I smart enough to draw, You have to understand it’s all in your head.Shut the imaginary problems up and look at the real problems, art is very much a puzzle, You just have to keep yourself together to find the pieces to solve the problem without again making it a big deal.

3.”The key is to company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” I don’t have much artist friends that is as serious about art as me, My way to solve this is to “imagine” that you are friends with people who are also going at it with art, Let me explain when your brain sees the video and live stream of an other artist you brain can’t tell it’s a video! As wacky as this sounds I’m friends with Jame gurney and people like Feng zhu via their youtube channel they can talk to me, Really take it as real as possible, pick your art friends and look for them on media, Also you can join art forums to talk to people.This is a great way to trick your brain and leverage the technology for your growth.

Art is part physical and part mental, having out mental ‘art inner game' in check is critical, people don’t talk about it enough since it can’t be seen, but it will help you walk the journey no doubt.

Keep growing,


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