Painting with Japanese ink wash.


Painting with Japanese ink wash.

Subject: Ink wash painting.

Subject: Ink wash painting.

Currently found out about Miss Jisu on youtube, And her ink wash techniques looks incredibly fun, immediately I’ve made my version of the set up, And here’s what I end up with:


A; Small size dark ink pental brush pen.

B: Pental water color brush with 60% Ink and 40% water.

C:Pental water color brush with 20% ink.

D.Chinese brush with water.

As for Ink I used Japanese ink this time, will try some indian next time.


Since it’s a new way of drawing to be I’ve decided to do some art studies of amazing pieces from Artstaion.

links to original art work: Rudy Siswanto , SIXMOREVODKA STUDIO.

Study one: This Armadillo captain painting by Rudy is amazing, I try to mimic they way Miss Jisu did with a under painting wash with the 20% then I move to mid tones with 60% and finally darks with brush A in the darkest shadow areas, Since it’s my first try I didn’t expect much buy just to have fun, The blending is a bit hard to control and the time window to blend is rather small since the ink drys very fast. You have to decide where the blending happens and switch quickly to the water brush. I had a lot of fun but start to notice it’s not that easy to do edge control and I am always drawing too hard with pencils I really need to learn how to draw softer to get better line variation. And the result:

Art study of Rudy Siswanto.

Art study of Rudy Siswanto.

Moving on Study two is a great piece on studying lighting and compositions, To be frank I think I did a terrible job, oh well this is just a record and I hope it could help somebody to avoid the mistakes. So this piece is from Claudiu-Antonia Magherusan & Chris Kintner made for the game LEGENDS OF RUNETERRA by RIOT GAMES. I notice the assassin in the picture is in full shadow. I start to feel my values limiting due to my skills, I have to find a way to create more values consistently with the set up, And I approached this piece too much from a drawing mindset instead of painting. Well things to work on moving on with this ink wash method. So here is the process hope you learn something from it.


Rough under drawing with the 20% Already feel the values limiting to show all the values in this piece.


Filling in the areas with the 20% and working up to the mid tones with the 60%(Which I should add more water afterwards.)


Done with the mid tones which is too hard and also working too much like drawing instead of painting!

Study of Claudiu-Antonia Magherusan & Chris Kintner.

Study of Claudiu-Antonia Magherusan & Chris Kintner.

Finally adding darkest dark and some (too late) blending.

So moving forwards I need to:

Work more like painting, Blend before the ink drys and work on better value control.

It’s a tone of fun I suggest you try it out, See you next time.

Keep growing,


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