The Best asset of an artist.

The Best asset of an artist.

Learn how to use our asset.

-Subject: Learn how to use our asset.

What is the most valuable asset of an artist? Is it the eye or the drawing hand? although both are definitely very important. The best asset is gonna be Time. But there’s a catch, Your brain needs to learn to spend that time on your important task.Because even you think art is very important your brain might have other priorities.

You vs The Brain

The primal task of your brain is to keep you alive and create as much babies as possible. The brain doesn’t care about your success in life. You have to teach it or make it to. The perfect plan is always plan out a chunk of your time for drawing or studying then do it right? very simple, but how often it ended up that way? When you sat down and getting started your brain will start to fight you. ‘Hey this thing you doing is costing a lot of focus and energy and it doesn’t create any babies!’ Then you wonder off to look at some pictures of bikini girls or even porn.

Show the brain who is boss

You have to teach it that the task you are doing is of value and it’s live or death level. The ability to sit through a drawing(or a session at least 3-4 hours) Is half way to win the battle. You have to be the master of your brain. Unless you own it or it is going to own you. It doesn’t have to make sense when you answer the brain’s questions, it’s doesn’t play by sense or fair anyways(it thinks looking at porn will pop babies haha) One of my answers is if my craft doesn’t improve I’m going to die.

The cheats of human attention

People’s mind are created to react to a few things, danger that will kill you, living needs and reproduction. Think of how does the news work? By promoting negative information they get your attention and made you scared or hate yourself. Then they sell comfort products on the side. Don’t waste time on it.

Time is the magic you own.

Time is magic, you give them to a baby it grows into a man , you give it to a seed it grows into a mighty tree, you spend time on your drawing it’s going to be better. But since time is the best asset you own, you want to spent it on the most worthy parts which means learning about study and the root of all crafts the fundamentals. Time + educated effort = results. period.

Until Next time,
