The Best food for Artist.

The Best food for Artist.

The most art friendly food.

-Subject: The most art friendly food.

As an artist we are actually more physical and energy draining then most people think. I remember the first time I’ve done a 6 hour tattoo section it felt like a few hours in the gym and my mind went blank. Also my arm got sore, so I’d say it’s not that far off comparing art with sports plus your brain needs a lot of energy to do all that image processing. So what food could fix our muscles(protein) and reload our brain(fats)?

The quest for the best food

I started lifting when I was 17 because of two things. I was weak and fat and my spine is deformed. By lifting I’ve fixed both of those issues by the way having a strong grip also helps a ton on drawing and tattooing. I tried all different kinds of food, fruits, vegetables, protein shakes you name it. At the end I’ve found it, the best food—steak as raw as you can have it. It has all the vitamins you need like vitamin D and a lot of fatty acids to feed your brain, guess what your brain is made of? yes fat. By eating meat as raw as possible you are giving your body it’s natural fuel also chewing harder food actually gives you better teeth and a more developed jaw line hence making you more handsome. I can draw longer with better focus and my eyes lighted, really reminds me of what is real actual food, it feels great!


But what about vegetables? One thing that has bugged me forever and proven this world is crazy is people feed cow’s milk to human babies. How is this natural? There care even ads that say it’s better then mothers milk. Nothing is better then mothers milk. Are we cows? how is this normal and acceptable? Same answer goes for vegetables. Vegetables are very hard to digest. That’s why planet eating animals like cows have four stomachs. Also our energy source is also from plants since the cows has digested it for us. Human beings on two legs eat meat.

Four stomachs at work.

Four stomachs at work.

Living costs life

But aren’t we killing? Man, understand the meaning of being alive. since the day god created the world being alive is consuming other life force. Your parents are going to die sooner because of you, they had spent a lot of resource and effort(life) on you. How many mothers had died giving birth? It's the unchanging rule of this universe. People has proven that plants have emotions and feelings how is killing plants ok but not cows?

the rule is life eats life. Anything that is against nature.



Eat like Bruce Lee

There you have it, steak is the best food for an artist it gives you great energy and a clear mind. Eat the best food and invest time you will be unstoppable . Remember to eat it as raw as you can. Like Bruce Lee once said ‘Eat’em raw.” (Bruce didn’t said that but he does eats raw beef :)

Until Net time,


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