Your three silver bullets.

Your three silver bullets.

Always be ready.

-Subject: Always be ready.

One of the most memorable thing when I was a kid is watching werewolf on TV. It was very intense and really got me freaking out when the hero dropped his only sliver bullet (the only thing that could kill a werewolf.) I didn’t the ending but one thing is for sure, he isn’t a very good monster hunter. You know you’re facing a powerful werewolf and you only got one sliver bullet? How will the movie go if he had three bullets? It’s going to be a short movie.


One spare is not enough

As a tattooer I’d had my share of ‘accidents’. when I have an appointment. I will have the files I need on the cloud server, My own laptop and also in a flash drive. The files could be corrupted, the internet at the shop might freak out or the computer decides it’s not going to read files today. If you worked with photoshop in the earlier days freezing up and losing files won’t sound alien to you. But it was a good thing looking back it trained me to save and keep different copies everywhere. Like the Chinese saying”The crafty rabbit dig three holes.” which means the rabbit dig extra holes to prepare for the hunters to strike, when they are busy checking one out it’d already be gone in one of it’s spare exits.

Own the situation

Another example would be taking my cat to the vet, How to spend the time waiting since time is your best resource. I could bring my sketchbook to practice my fundamentals. But what happens if the vet is packed to a point that I can’t get my sketchbook out?(actually happens quite often). I could listen to the audio books on my phone. But what if the people are so loud that I can’t hear a word? Then I could practice writing on my phone. Surprise surprise it was another packed day and I ended up writing some cool ideas on the phone. Three bullets is usually enough for most things.

Go hunt your werewolf

So the next time you attack your daily tasks butter get a few spare shoots ready. It’s better to fight the werewolf with more then one shot, happy hunting.

Until Next time,


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