Your brain is not your friend.

Your brain is not your friend.

Be the master of your brain.

-Subject: Be the master of your brain.

Your brain is not designed to care for your success in life. In fact the opposite, It’s designed to ho;d you back. The brain’s factory programming is pathetic. It’s goal is to keep you safe. Which means don”t do anything dangerous in the gym, It will get you injured. Don”t talk to the girl you like because some non existent cavemans will bash your head. Don”t go outside, dinosaurs will eat you. You get the idea.

Evidence is everywhere.

But in fact the comfort you enjoy everyday around you proves something different. If people listened to their brains there won”t be aeroplanes in the sky. Instead of cars on the read there will be horses. The surroundings around me suggest that there were heros who made their brain their bitch. It has become clear to me lately if you demand an answer from your brain, it will work for you. But how to control it to that extent? You have to believe it 100% and press for the answer, Also don’t get satisfied with the answer, DEMAND a better answer every time because the power of the brain is near endless!

But I want to be nice.

‘But I want to be more loving and not so harsh.” You say. Have you seen people that treat their kids like friends? Their lives are pathetic. Their kids walk over them and they won”t even punish the kid if they did something wrong. Same goes for your brain. It will always choose comfort. Try drawing this hard picture? It will say I”m tired let’s eat some chips. “NO!” demand they skill from your brain. “But I don”t know how to create pictures?” said the brain. “Bullshit! Then explain how do you dream?” The truth is clear. The ability to render images in perfect form and perspective is always in there. It”s just keeping it from you because your “Art goals” is a waste of energy to it.

Start the fight.

Then you sit down and the battle begins, look at a great painting, Ask your brain how is this painted? Press until you have the answer, The pictures are created by men there is no reason you can”t paint it now. The brain will throw everything at you, parents, health issues, be reminded that you are facing a foe that knows all of your weakness since you came into this world. It might even cause physical pain to stop you from drawing. You have to be hard, Knowing that losing one beat you will lose. That”s why taking cold showers help because it feels like a similar fight. The one that gives in first will lose. You have one word in mind ‘submit!’. The brain has to submit and give you everything you want and then some more. I still loses sometimes. But it doesn’t matter because I’d challenge it gain and again until I get what I want.

So stop thinking your brain is your friend. Press it hard and then harder. Raise your standards every time, Do this until you die. Amen.

Until Next time,


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