How to cast a spell.

How to cast a spell.

The power of words.

-Subject: The power of words.

In case no one told you, Words are spells. Spells that cast pictures in your mind and create emotions in your brain. Swords to sting peoples feelings. “The words of a good person are like pure silver, but an evil person”s thoughts are worth very little.” -God. Why did people pay for the nike shirt that prints ‘just do it’? Because people want it’s power. By reading it and wearing it you are casting a spell on yourself you make you do the things you want.It”s a spell to direct your will power.

The young warrior

I adopted this 2-3days old kitten from the streets, long story short it was dying because of multiple things going wrong, One side of his lungs is not working, his chest bone is deformed, his food in his stomach is not digesting causing the stomach to pressure the only working side of his lung, This all happened when he was two weeks old, his name is Kuma. And he is the strongest being that I’ve known who has owned death by his balls. I woke up one day and found out that he’s suffering to breath, I took him to the vet and the doctor is surprised this kitten is still alive. I was told he is going to die any minute and he suggested I take it to surgery that only one university here in HongKong has the tools to do it. With a cost near 100,000HKD. The vet diagnosed it was the growing deformed chest that is killing him. I didn’t agree. But it was getting late, other options are closed. I decided to spend the last moments with my little friend in my arms. But that’s not Kuma’s plan, I put him next to my pillow and I am prepared to near his breathing stop any moment. But it didn’t this two week old kitten decided to live, I stood up and looked at me, At that point I’m convinced with his look I will do anything I can to support this sun of a gun.’Kuma Strong’ I told him and he can’t eat at all because breathing is hard enough. ‘Kuma Strong’ I repeated with all my heart, it was a long night.

Eyes of a fighter.

Eyes of a fighter.

The power to change logic

I massaged his huge stomach all night then he pooped out a huge poop which means some space is freed up in his little body. The first thing I did next morning is rush to the best vet I could find, keeping things short the vet is also surprised this kitten fighting all this is alive, they didn’t even charge me because one little move might cause it’s life and that will make them ‘look bad’. But suggested me go to the next place. I called the place but it was full. The vet here suggested me to rush in and try my luck. I did just that, I ran inside and said this kitten is going to die please save him. They took him it and treated him, They but him in a oxygen box and I’d visit him everyday and told him ‘Kuma Strong’ he ears moved and looks at me via the glass door. What I saw isn’t the eyes of a dying animal. I saw the strongest black little eyes I ever saw, everything is against him but he is determined to live and laughing at death at it’s face. At the moment he looked at me I know it’s going to be fine I know who am I going to bet on with zero doubt after three days I was told he has stabilized but I knew he’s fine. This kitten is so tough he’s unkillable.


So does my spell has anything to do with this? I’d say yes it’s magic beyond language by looking at him I knew he trusted me and I believed in him that the idea that he is strong and unkillable. We both believed it with 100% of our being and it came true. Today Kuma is three months old.And I started to understand the power of words and the possibility of faith. Now at the gym when I am running out of power in sets. I will say ‘STRONG’ then I can push a few more reps in there. There’s still a lot more left in discovery of this power and I’d share more as I apply them more.

Until Next time,


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